pdxtdownload passes both the destination-name-requested
attribute and the initial-value-document attribute.
attr pdxtdownload uses the entire value as InfoPrint Manager
attributes. For example, if the PRTQUEUE statement has this
PRTQUEUE='room-text=B12-4 title-text=DRAFT'
pdxtdownload passes the room-text and title-text attributes to
InfoPrint Manager.
ignore pdxtdownload ignores the PRTQUEUE value.
Enabling download directives
You can enable download directives using one or both of these methods:
PDXTDOWNLOAD_DIRECTIVES environment variable
Download directives defined by the PDXTDOWNLOAD_DIRECTIVES
environment variable apply to any data set that pdxtdownload receives
while the environment variable is in effect. If you set the environment
variable as a system variable, it is available to all user accounts on the
Windows system. If you set it as a user variable, it is only available to the
user account from which you set the variable. For more information about
setting environment variables, see “Setting environment variables” on page
1. After you add the environment variable, log out of Windows and log
back in to pick up the change.
2. You must stop and restart the InfoPrint Manager MVS Download
Download directives defined in the pdxtdownload.directives file can apply
to any data set that pdxtdownload receives, or they can apply to data sets
received on a specific port number. For example:
# Port 6001:
# - Do not merge jobs with more than one dataset
6001: -m none
# All ports:
# - Do not prepend the job identifier to input file names
*: -j no
pdxtdownload file naming conventions
These topics describe the various file naming conventions that the pdxtdownload
program uses during job processing.
Input data sets
The InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receiver uses this file naming convention
for data sets that it receives from z/OS:
pdxtdownload always adds a data set sequence number to the end of the input file
name. As an option, it can also add the z/OS job identifier to the beginning of the
file name. The resulting file name convention looks like this:
78 InfoPrint XT Guide