Controlling the working directory that InfoPrint XT uses for
variable data (PDXTWORKDIR)
The PDXTWORKDIR environment variable controls the working directory that
InfoPrint XT uses for variable data. The default is that InfoPrint XT uses
subdirectories in the %PDXTWORKDIR% directory to store the files that it creates
or copies for Xerox resources and jobs. For example, InfoPrint XT uses
subdirectories of %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources to store information for Xerox
resources that you have loaded. InfoPrint XT creates the %PDXTWORKDIR%
directory during installation. To have InfoPrint XT create subdirectories and store
files in a different location on the Windows system, use the PDXTWORKDIR
environment variable. The variable value that you specify becomes the replacement
1. Include the drive designation for the directory in the Variable value field of the
Windows System Properties interface.
2. You can only use one working directory at any given time. For example, you
cannot use the default %PDXTWORKDIR% directory for some jobs and a
different directory, such as C:\mypdxt , for other jobs.
3. If the directory you specify does not exist, InfoPrint XT creates it.
Controlling how InfoPrint XT interprets directory names
The InfoPrint XT commands, such as the pdxtloadres command that you use to
load resources, run in the Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU)
environment on the Windows system. They always convert any DOS directory
names that you specify with command options, and that use backslashes, to the
corresponding UNIX directory names. For example, InfoPrint XT commands
always convert a DOS directory reference, such as C:\myfonts, to a reference to
the UNIX /dev/fs/C/myfonts directory.
You can also specify Windows directory names with forward slashes. For example,
a DOS directory reference of C:/myfonts is valid. However, C:/myfonts is also a
valid directory name in the UNIX environment. Whether InfoPrint XT treats the
directory passed through a command option as a DOS directory or a UNIX
directory affects whether it converts the directory name. A converted directory
name of /dev/fs/C/myfonts and an unconverted directory name of /C:/myfonts are
two distinct UNIX directories.
You can explicitly control whether InfoPrint XT treats directory names that use
forward slashes as DOS directories, or as UNIX directories using the
PDXT_WINPATH2UNIX command. The settings for the variable are:
1 InfoPrint XT treats the directory as a DOS directory and converts it to the
corresponding UNIX directory name. This is the default.
0 InfoPrint XT treats the directory as a UNIX directory and does not do any
conversion. It uses the directory name as it is.
Table 3. DOS-to-UNIX directory conversions
Resulting directory
pdxtloadres -n
"c:\directory\*" ยน
Either 1 or 0 /dev/fs/C/directory
22 InfoPrint XT Guide