
AX3500 Motor Controller Users Manual 151
Accessing & Changing Configuration Parameter in Flash
This parameter configures the rate at which the controller internally changes the command
value from the one it was to the one just received.
Input Switches Function
Address: ^04
Access: Read/Write
Effective: After Reset or ^FF
This parameter enables and configures the effect of the controllers Digital Inputs and other
Bit Definition See pages
7:0 0 = very slow
1 = slow
(2) = medium-slow (default)
3 = medium
4 = fast
5 = fastest
See Programmable Acceleration
on page 47 for complete list of
acceptable values
Bit Definition See pages
1:0 Enable and
(00) = Input Disabled (default)
01 = Input as Emergency Stop
10 = Disabled
11 = Input as Invert Command
page 51
page 52
2 Output C when
Motor On
(0) = No Action (default)
1 = Output C On when either motor is On
page 51
3 Encoder Safety (0) = No Action (default)
1 = Disables Controller if Encoder detects
no movement while power is applied to
the motors
page 81
5:4 Input E Unavailable
7:6 Input F (00) = No action (default)
01 = Cut FET power when Input E is Low
10 = Activate output C
11 = Cut FET when Input E is High
page 52
page 53