AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual 171
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Table
logging purposes. This cable has a 15-pin male connector and 3 15-pin connectors. The
male connector plugs into the controller. The application cable that would normally plug
into the controller may now be plugged into one of the adapter’s female connector 2. The
PC can be plugged into connector 3 or 4. Connector 3 has the Rx and Tx data lines needed
for full duplex serial communication, thus allowing the PC to send commands to the con-
troller. Connector 4 has the Rx line cut so that only a data flows only from the controller to
the PC. This configuration is for capturing the data logging strings sent in the RC or Analog
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Table
The AX3500 uses hexadecimal notation for accepting and responding to numerical com-
mands. Hexadecimal is related to the binary system that is used at the very heart of micro-
computers. Functions for converting from decimal to hexadecimal are readily available in
high level languages such as C.
If the user intends to enter commands manually using the terminal emulation program, the
conversion table in Table 34 can be used to do the translation. Note that the table only
shows numbers for 0 to 127 decimal (00 to 7F hexadecimal). The AX3500’s speed com-
mands are within this range. Table 35 shows the conversion values for numbers between
128 and 255 (unsigned) and between -1 and -128 (signed)
TABLE 34. 0 to +127 signed or unsigned decimal to hexadecimal conversion table
Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex
0 00322064409660
1 01332165419761
2 02342266429862
3 03352367439963
4 043624684410064
Male to controller
Female to PC with RxData Only
Front View Rear View
Female to PC with Rx and Tx Data
Female to Application
FIGURE 97. ASCII string sent by the controller while in R/C or Analog mode