AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual 181
SECTION 16 Using the Roborun
A PC-based Configuration Utility is available, free of charge, from Roboteq. This pro-
gram makes configuring and operating the AX3500 much more intuitive by using
pull-down menus, buttons and sliders. The utility can also be used to update the
controller’s software in the field as described in “Updating the Controller’s Soft-
ware” on page 199.
System Requirements
To run the utility, the following is need:
• PC compatible computer running Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP or Vista
• An unused serial communication port on the computer with a 9-pin, female
• An Internet connection for downloading the latest version of the Roborun
Utility or the Controller’s Software
• 5 Megabytes of free disk space
If there is no free serial port available, the Configuration Utility can still run, but it will
not be able to communicate with the controller.
If the PC is not equipped with an RS232 serial port, one may be added using an USB
to RS232 converter.
Downloading and Installing the Utility
The Configuration Utility is included on the CD that is delivered with the controller or
may be obtained from the download page on Roboteq’s web site at
www.roboteq.com. It is recommended that you use the downloaded version to be
sure that you have the latest update.
• download and run the file robosetup.exe
• follow the instructions displayed on the screen