The Home Menu
To begin navigating through your music, start on your “Home” menu, by pressing the Home
Menu [ ] button. The display on SoundBridge should look something like this:
Ë Playlists
Only the first two lines of the Home Menu are displayed at once (or the first four lines, if you
are using M2000 with four lines enabled in your display settings, or one line if you are using an
M1000 or M2000 with the largest font size enabled), but the scroll bar at the right of the screen
shows you where you are in the list, and how much more information is available above and
below your current screen view. Use the Up/Down arrow buttons to navigate between the
following options on the Home Menu:
Ë Playlists
Show song queue
Now playing
Change library or system configuration
The Ë arrow to the left of a menu item denotes the current item.
Hint: Because you can’t see the whole list of options at once, use the scroll bar (at the
right of your display) to see where you are in your list.