Browsing by Album
Press the Down button until you see the BROWSE option highlighted and press Select [4]
on your remote control. You will see a listing of browsing options:
Ë Browse albums
Browse artists
If you scroll down, you will see the other two browsing options:
Browse composers
Browse genres
Now, if you navigate to the BROWSE ALBUMS option and press Select [4], you will see an
alphabetical listing of Albums found in your music library. The screen will look something
like this:
Ë Parachutes
Paul’s Boutique
Navigate to the album that you want to hear using the Up/Down arrow buttons — in our
example, “Parachutes.” When the album you want is selected, press the Select [4] button for a
listing of songs found on this album.
The music note next to each song name indicates the selection is an individual track (and not
a playlist, album or other collection of songs). Please note that songs purchased from the Apple
Music Store will be denoted in the display with a padlock œ icon. SoundBridge is not able to
play back these “locked” files — they will simply be skipped over during playback.
Ë Don’t Panic
Use the Up/Down arrows again to highlight the song you want to play. Press the Play []
button to start that song playing. When the song begins playback, the display will switch to the
“Now Playing” screen, which looks something like this:
Don’t Panic 0:10/2:17 4
Coldplay Parachutes (2000) (|||------)