Hint: After you have selected multiple songs to be played in turn, you can use the “Next
Track” : and “Previous Track” 9 buttons to skip from song to song in your Song Queue.
Reviewing a Song Queue
At any point, you can review what’s in your Song Queue by pressing the down arrow 6 from
the Now Playing screen, which is the default screen that appears while SoundBridge is playing.
The Now Playing screen looks something like this:
Don’t Panic 0:10/2:17 4
Coldplay Parachutes (2000) (|||------)
You can also press Exit [] several times from any point in your browsing; eventually, the Now
Playing screen appears.
Alternatively, you can press Home Menu [ ], then select the “Show song queue” option. You
will see the entire list of songs in your song queue; refer to the scroll bar on the right side of the
screen to determine where in the list you are located. Press the Up/Down arrows to see
the entire list of selections in your Song Queue. The currently playing selection is indicated by a
speaker X icon.
You cannot save a Song Queue that you have created — it’s only held in memory temporarily
and then erased when you build your next Song Queue. If you would like to build a Song
Queue that you can save and recall at will, please build a Playlist in your music jukebox software
(see “Playing a Saved Playlist” below).