Chapter 2 Algorithm Info Types 215
Algorithm methods to include in application’s algorithm chooser:
AM_RSA_ENCRYPT for encryption or AM_RSA_DECRYPT for decryption.
Key info types for keyObjec t in B_EncryptInit or B_DecryptInit:
KI_RSAPublic, KI_RSAPublicBER, or KI_RSAPublicBSAFE1.
Input constraints:
Because this algorithm does not pad, the total number of input bytes must be a
multiple of the key’s modulus size in bytes. Also, each modulus-size block of input,
interpreted as an integer with the most significant byte first, must be numerically less
than the key’s modulus.
Token-based algorithm methods:
AI_RSAPublic may include the hardware algorithm methods
the algorithm chooser for use with BHAPI.
Token-based key info types:
When used with one of the hardware algorithm methods described, AI_RSAPublic
should be used with
KI_Token or KI_KeypairToken.