310 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
B_EncodeInit initializes
for encoding data using the algorithm
specified by a previous call to
B_SetAlgorithmInfo. For example, the
AI_RFC1113Recode algorithm provides Base64 encoding and decoding to convert
binary data to and from a printable form suitable for most email systems. Notice that
there are no cryptographic keys for encoding or decoding.
B_EncodeInit only needs to be called once to set up an Encode algorithm. The
B_EncodeUpdate routine can be called multiple times to process blocks of data, and
B_EncodeFinal is called once to process the last block which includes adding any
trailing pad bytes. After
B_EncodeFinal is called, B_EncodeUpdate can be called to
start decoding another sequence of blocks. There is no need to call
Return value
int B_EncodeInit (
B_ALGORITHM_OBJ algorithmObject /* algorithm object */
Value Description
0 Operation was successful.
non-zero see Appendix A, ”Crypto-C Error Types”