250 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
This KI allows you to specify an 8-byte key used by the DES algorithm. The key object
will satisfy the DES parity requirement and will be checked against known DES weak
keys. Also see
Type of information this allows you to use:
an 8-byte value for a DES key where the information stored in the key object will be
DES parity adjusted according to FIPS 46-1. Crypto-C treats the least significant bit of
each byte of the key data as the DES parity adjustment bit. When setting a key object
with this KI, Crypto-C will check the input data against a list of known DES weak
keys. If the resulting key would be weak, Crypto-C returns an error.
Format of info supplied to B_SetKeyInfo:
pointer to an unsigned char array that holds the 8-byte DES key. The key is DES
parity adjusted when it is copied to the key object.
Format of info returned by B_GetKeyInfo:
pointer to an unsigned char array that holds the 8-byte DES key, which is DES parity
Can get this info type if key object already has:
KI_DES8Strong, KI_DES8 (if the key is not weak), KI_Item (if the length of the ITEM is
8, the data's DES parity is correct, and the key is not weak), or
KI_8Byte (if the DES
parity is correct and the key is not weak.