
47 Main Menu
Viewing the Menus
Menu Diagram
The following list outlines your
phone’s menu structure while in
3x4 mode:
1: Web
2: Call History
1: Outgoing Calls
2: Incoming Calls
3: Missed Calls
4: Recent Calls
3: Media Player
1: Channel Listing
2: Memory Card
3: My Play List
4: Bluetooth
1: Enable
• On
• Off
2: Visibility
• Always Visible
• Visible for 3min
• Hidden
3: Device Name
4: Device Info
5: Missed Alerts
6: Music
7: Downloads
• Games
• Get New Games
• Ringers
• Get New Ringers
• Screen Savers
• Get New Screen Savers
• Applications
• Get New Applications
8: Messaging
1: Send Message
• Text
• Pic/Video Msg
2: Text Message
1: Inbox
2: Outbox
3: Drafts
4: Send Text
3: Pic/Video Msg
• Inbox
• Sent Message
• Saved Message
• Pending
4: Web Alert
5: Voicemail
1: Call Voicemail
2: Clear Envelope
6: Settings
1: General
1: Notification
• Message & Icon
• Icon only
2: Preset Messages
1: Can’t talk right
now. Send me a
2: Call me
3: Where are you?
4: Can you pick up
5: Meet me at
6: Let’s get lunch.
7: The meeting has
been cancelled.
8: I’ll be there at