Sound Settings: Lets you choose sounds for Receive Message,
Contact Alert, and System Message; and set Repetition (Once or
Sort Contact List By: Sorts your contact list by Alphabet or Status.
Saved Conversations: Opens a list of saved conversations.
Offline Conversations: Opens a list of offline conversations.
See the help screens for more information on using instant messaging.
MobileMail (Menu 6.2) lets you check your email and send email to any
email address. Recipients can access your emails from email-equipped
phones or from their computers. The messages you create can contain
text, photos, videos and voice attachments.
Your phone allows selection of three online email services: Rogers Yahoo!
Mail, Yahoo! Mail or Windows Live Hotmail.
Follow the online instructions shown on your display screen after you
launch this service.
Note: This online service is provided and maintained by Rogers and requires paid subscription. It
is not specific to your phone. Contact your service provider or consult the insert provided with
your phone for additional information.
Create New Message
Use the Create New Message menu (Menu 6.3) to compose new text
(SMS) and picture (MMS) messages and send them to other messaging-
capable phones.