Night Shot: Increases the camera sensitivity to produce brighter
pictures in dark locations.
Timer: allows you to set a time delay before the camera takes the
picture. The options are Off, 3 seconds, 5 seconds, or 10 seconds. The
camera counts down the time on the screen and by playing a sound.
Effects: allows you to choose a custom color tone for your picture.
Choose from the following options.
No Effects: cancels any effects applied to the picture.
Black & White: removes all color and displays the picture in black and
white (greyscale) mode.
Sepia: Displays the picture in black and white with a sepia tint that
makes it look like an old picture.
Negative: Reverses the light and dark areas of the picture.
Camera Shortcuts: Provides a list of shortcuts that allow you to directly
access camera options using the keypad. Press the key once to see the
current setting and continue pressing to change the setting. Keypad
shortcuts include.
Settings: Allows you to customize your camera settings. See “Camera
Settings” on page 142 for complete information.
toggles between Camera and Camcorder mode
changes the Shooting mode
changes the Timer setting
changes the Viewfinder mode
Toggles Night Shot mode on and off