%1 - %10
Ten discount/Premium keys are available to handle various types of discounts, mark-downs and adjustments to
items or transactions.
HALO / RATE For open keys this is the maximum amount, for fixed percent items
It is the rate to be applied
TAXABLE by RATE 1 - 6 The discount/premium amount can be included within the tax
FUNCTION IS INACTIVE This allows the items to be prohibited without the necessity to make
the key inactive
FUNCTION IS ACTIVE IN X ONLY This forces use of the X Manager Mode for operation
FUNCTION IS SALE / ITEM This determines whether the function must be applied to each item
or to the whole sale total after subtotal.
FUNCTION IS AMOUNT / PERCENT This determines whether the function will apply either a monetary or
a percent adjustment.
FUNCTION IS PLUS / MINUS This determines whether the adjustment will be applied as either a
discount or addition.
FUNCTION IS OPEN / PRESET This determines the adjustment i.ea pre-set rate or manual
COMPULSORY VALIDATION This forces validation (only on valid printers)
ALLOW PRESET OVERRIDE This enables the operator to manually enter an adjustment even
when there is a pre-programmed rate
PRESET OVERRIDE IN X ONLY This forces use of the X Manager Mode when it is necessary
override the pre-programmed amount.
FUNCTION NETS ITEM TOTAL This reports the values inclusive of the adjustment
I.e. 1.00 – 10% would report 90p
FUNCTION IS FOOD STAMP ELIGIBLEThis is for the US Market it ensures the discount is considered
when selling food stamp products.
ALLOW MULTIPLE SALE COUPONS This enables more than one coupon operation per sale.
ALLOW ONLY ONE DISCOUNT This restricts the operation of discount /premium added at
PER TRANS subtotal
KEY IS “DO IT” DISCOUNT FUNCTIONThis operates a sale rounding system not used within the UK.
For example If a Sale if made for 7.20 and DO IT FUNCTION set
The sale value will be taken as 7.00 – the % cutting off the 0.20
Used to sell an item using the products code number rather than pressing a PLU key on the keyboard.
Used to reposition the previous record key, which is used during programming to move through the
program records.
Used to inquire on the retail price of a product this can be for single item or multiple products
ACTIVE IN X ONLY This forces the use of X Manager Mode for this key
STAY DOWN/POP UP Price inquiry for Single item or for multiple items