
This is used to turn the receipt off, The receipt can be programmed using system flags to be a continuous receipt
with post receipt, or to print only when the post receipt key is pressed.
The Check Tracking System can maintain only balances (hard checks) or entire transactions (soft checks) in the
registers memory. Four different tracking files can be separated to maintain different information for example,
restaurant checks, call-in orders, delivery orders, and or table balances. The check number can be entered by the
operator or calculated automatically by the system
ACTIVE IN X ONLY This forces the use of X Manager Mode for this key
ENFORCE SEAT# This makes it compulsory to enter the seat of each person at the
table so that if required at finalisation seat separation and split
payment can be carried out.
TABLE ENTRY REQUIRED This force the operator to enter a table number
MULTIPLE CHECKS ALLOWED The table number can also be used to recall open checks.
FOR EACH TABLE Allows the user to have more than one check at each table.
GUEST COUNT ENTRY REQUIRED This requests the input of guests when a check is opened
COMPULSORY FOR ALL SALES This forces the operator to enter a check for every sale
ASSIGNED BY REGISTER The system can work on manually entered check number, or can
generate it’s own sequential number
OPENING EMPLOYEE HAS The check can be restricted in operation solely to the
EXCLUSIVE ACCESS employee that started the sale.
PRINT CHECK# ON RECEIPT This allows the check number from printing on the receipt
PRINT CHECK# ON JOURNAL This allows the check number from printing on the audit
PRINT CHECK# ON KP This allows the check number from printing on the order
AUTO CHECK MANAGEMENT The sale is made and stored and the check number is automatically
generated, pressing the check key recalls the oldest check ready for
finalisation. This can be overwritten by manually entering the check
PRINT ON CHECK AUTOMATICALLY The sale details can be printed automatically when stored
DISABLE OPEN A NEW CHECK This forces use of the New Check key for sales to a check that does
Not already exist. (the New Check key follows the status of the this
LENGTH OF CHECK# IN DIGITS(0 -10)The check can have an enforced number of digits.
Press a RECD ACCT key to add cash, check or miscellaneous media to the drawer
HALO (0:NO LIMIT) This is the maximum sale amount for this key
ACTIVE IN X ONLY This forces the use of X Manager Mode for this key
COMPULSORY VALIDATION This forces validation if a cancel is done (only on valid printers)
Press this key to issue a transaction receipt at the designated receipt printer