The check tracking system can maintain only balances (hard check) or entire transactions (soft check) in the
register memory. Four different tracking files can be separately maintained. For example, restaurant checks, call-
in orders, delivery orders, and/or table balance. Press one of the four STORE CHECK # keys to finalise a
tracking transaction
HALO (0:NO LIMIT) For open keys this is the maximum amount, for fixed percent items
It is the rate to be applied
EXEMPT TAX This allows each tax rate to be excluded from the sale
ACTIVE IN X ONLY This forces the use of X Manager Mode for this key
COMPULSORY VALIDATION This forces validation if a cancel is carried out (only on a printer
with a validation sensor)
NON-ADD# COMPULSORY This forces the entry of a reference number using #/Nosale
PRINT ON RECEIPT This allows the function description printing
PRINT ON JOURNAL This allows the function description printing
SERVICE OF NEGATIVE This forces the operator to use the X manager mode
BALANCE IN X ONLY storage of checks, which have a minus sale total.
HARD CHECK PRINTER # (0 - 40) This is printer number which the check will print to when using this
key for balance on tracking, when NON detailed / Hard check
tracking is used, the print check key will print the detailed bill.
AUTO CHECK MANAGEMENT This allows store of a sale onto a sequential check number without
having to initially open the check.
Used to display the balance due.
TABLE 1 - 4
This is used for reference as to which table a check is related to, there can be numerous checks per table,
depending upon, the programming of the store check key. Checks can also be recalled using the table number.
This key is used to record sales totals providing analysis on the both the financial report and special hourly sales
analysis report. The default text can be changed providing sales analysis for any category. This key can also be
programmed to switch the printing area of kitchen orders.
EXEMPT TAX This allows each tax rate to be excluded from the sale
COMPULSORY VALIDATION This forces validation if a cancel is carried out (only on printers
with validation)
KP PERIOD OVERRIDE This changes the area in which the item is printed from the normal
programmed route to one of the 4 pre-programmed printer periods