Using the Logic Editor
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Hardware Clock
Overview Many controllers have a built-in Time of Day clock. You can set these clocks if the
controllers starting register is configured in Configuration (see General Tab
Parameters, p. 77), you have the necessary rights, and the controller is running.
Configuring the
Hardware Clock
From the network tree right-click menu:
Hardware Clock
The time of day clock requires eight 4xxxx registers in your controller:
Step Action
1 Select Hardware Clock. The Hardware Clock dialog appears.
2 In the First Day of Week drop-down list box, select the day the controller will use
as the first day of the week.
3 Do one of the following:
To synchronize the controllers date and time with your computer, click Auto
Type the date in mm-dd-yy format in the Controller Date box. Type the time
in hh-mm-ss format in the Controller Time box.
4 Click OK
Register Content
4xxxx Controller Information. From the left:
Bit 1: Set Clock Values
Bit 2: Read Clock Values
Bit 3: Done
Bit 4: Errors
4xxxx + 1 Day of week (from 1 to 7)
4xxxx + 2 Month
4xxxx + 3 Day
4xxxx + 4 Year
4xxxx + 5 Hour (in 24-hour format)
4xxxx + 6 Minutes
4xxxx + 7 Seconds