Working with Projects
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Editor Properties
These properties are found in the Properties window under the Documentation tab:
Property To set: Function
Number of
In the Total Number of
Descriptor Lines box enter a
number between 3 and 9 or use
the arrow keys to increase or
decrease the number.
The descriptor field is a multi-line field that
can be set from 3 lines to 9 lines of
documentation. This preference forces the
editor to edit only the set number of lines of
the descriptor.
Number of
In the Number of Visible
Descriptor Lines box enter a
number between 1 and the Total
Number of Descriptor Lines
value or use the arrow keys to
increase or decrease the
The descriptor field is a multi-line field that
can be set from 3 lines to 9 lines of
documentation. This preference forces the
editor to display only the number of lines of
the descriptor that are set.
In the Supported Fields frame,
select the check boxes that you
want displayed.
If a check box is unchecked, the
corresponding field will never be displayed.
If a check box is checked, the field will be
displayed as long as dependant properties
are set correctly.
E.g. If Symbols are disabled for the project,
the symbol field will not be displayed even
though the check box is checked.