Using the Data Watch Window
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
, BitNumber,
FirstBit, LastBit,
This creates a drop-down list box for a specified bit in the specified Bit Display. This
box may be used to set a block of bits to a specific pattern associated with a
descriptive state. Only one list entry is added per call. Entries are added in
sequential order.
Var1, Var2, Var3,
Var4, Var5)
This will create a functional equation in a box. Up to 5 variables may be included.
Variable Type Variable Description
BitDisplayName String This is a name to be used to identify this particular
display. See ’scAddBitDisplay’.
BitNumber Integer The number from 1 to 16 of the bit to add the
description to. 1 = LSB.
FirstBit Integer The first bit number in a sequence to be modified
LastBit Integer The last bit number in a sequence to be modified
BitDescription String The description of the list entry.
Value String The binary pattern to set the bits to. (E.g.:
Variable Type Variable Description
EquationStr String A string containing the equation to display. Use "A",
"B" through "E"" to denote a variable. Variables will
be mapped to the data in a Grid row. (E.g.: "A + B
= C")
Var1 through Var5 String A string in the format "a,b,r" where a=Grid ID
Number, b=Grid Row, r=Radix: "ILDF". The radix
value specifies the radix to display the equation
data in. Integer, Long, Double, or Float. Double is
not a normal radix. It builds a concatenation of 2 16
bit data values. These will be the data values that
appear in the equation. Use "" for variables that are
not used.