12 Single-Speed/Ramp-Hold
FE Error Messages
FE 1 Memory Read/Write Failure
FE 2 RAM Failure
FE 3 OEM Factory Data Corruption
FE 4 Thermocouple “Noise”
FE 5 Software Error
To return to from an FE code
Trypressing anykey.If thatdoesn’t work,turn thepower
off for 10 seconds. Call the factory if the error message re
mains when you turn the power back on.
If you getan message, checkthe wire connections
going from the back of the controller to the thermocouple.
A loose connection can cause the message.
FtL / Fired Too Long
This message appears when both of the following condi
tions are met:
The temperature rise or fall is less than 27°F / 15°C per
The firing is 2 hours longer than programmed.
Programminga coolingsegmenttargettemperaturethat
is below or even close to room temperaturecan also trigger
the message.
See “Controller display turns on. No heat in kiln,” page
HtdE / High Temperature
During a heating-up ramp or a hold, the temperature is
100°F / 56°C above the programmed temperature.
During a cooling-down segment, the temperature is
100°F / 56°C higher than the segment’s starting temper
A fast rate caused the controller to overshoot the target
Also, check for a stuck relay.
PF 1 / Power Failure
The power failed during a cooling segment, and the kiln
cooled pastthe targettemperature while thepower was off.
The kiln will not resume firing. To return to the dis
play, press any key.
PF 2 / Power Failure
The power failed during firing andkiln temperature was
below 212°F / 100°C when the power came back on. The
kiln will not resume firing. To return to the display,
press any key.
PF 3 / Power Failure
Thepower failedduring firingand temperaturedropped
more than 72°F / 40°C by the time the power came back on.
The kiln will not resume firing. To return to the dis
play, press any key.
tC / Thermocouple Failure
The thermocouple failed during the display. See
the "paperclip" test under "FAIL," page 11.
tCL / Thermocouple Lag
Theheating rateis slowerthan 9°F/ 5°Cperhour andthe
controller temperature is more than 100°F / 56°C away
from the actual kiln temperature. To return to the
display, press any key. Causes:
On kilns that use a portable controller, the thermocou
ple has fallen out of the firing chamber.
A barespoton thethermocouple leadwireshas touched
a grounded object inside the kiln switch box causing the
thermocouple to short out.
Checkfor wornor burnedoutelements, defectiverelays,
low voltage and defective thermocouple.
tCr / Thermocouple Reversed
Thermocouple lead wires are reversed. Check that the
thermocouple lead wires are connected to the correct ter-
minals. See your kiln’s wiring diagram.
You can adjust the controller to fire up to 20°F / 11°C
hotter or cooler than the zero factory setting.
From , pressthe key.After rate,
temperature, hold, etc., will appear.
With shown in the display, press the
will appear. Press the arrow keys to change
the controller temperature.
Pressthe keytoreturn tothe display.
To fire the controller, press . will ap
pear.Or toreturn to ,press twomore