Time and Temperature
Center Dot: Time
A center dot appears dur
ing time display. It separates
hours from minutes. (Exam
ple: 1 hour, 30 minutes dis
plays as 01.30.) During tem
perature display, the dot
Right-Hand Dot: °C
When temperature
is displayed in °C, a dot
appears in the lower
right. In °F display, it
disappears. You can
choose between Fahr-
enheit and Celsius dis-
play. See page 13.
Operation Begins from
the IdLE Display
must appear before you can fire the kiln.
If , , or other message appears instead of
when the kiln is first turned on, press the
key (the key with the circular arrow).
will appear.
If youpress duringa firing, will ap
pear. To get back to , press again.
If the display shows an error message such as in
stead of , see page 11.
(firing completed) appears at the end of a firing.
To make appear, press .
Thermocouple Inspection
The small rod protruding into the firing chamber is the
temperature sensor, or thermocouple.
CAUTION: Bumping the thermocouple can push it
out ofthe firing chamber.This could causean overfire!
Bumping the thermocouple could also cause inaccu
rate readings.
A 1/8” diameter thermocouple should extend into the
firing chamber ½” -
A ¼” diameterthermocouple shouldextend intothe fir
ing chamber ¾ - 1” or more.
Keep shelves, posts and ware 1” - 1 ½” away from the
The center display dot indicates
time instead of temperature.
The warranty on your Sentry Xpress
controller does not cover damage from
overfiring, regardless of the
circumstances. It is the operator’s
responsibility to make sure the kiln turns
off at the proper time.
When the kiln is not in use, disconnect the
Do not leave the kiln unattended, especially
near the expected shut-off time.
Wear firing safety glasses when looking into the
firing chamber of a hot kiln.
Do not touch hot sides of kiln. Keep unsuper
vised children away.
Install your kiln at least 12 inches from any wall
or combustible surface.
Do not open lid or door until kiln has cooled and
all switches are off.
Fire only in a well-ventilated, covered and pro-
tected area away from combustible materials.
Keep cordset away from hot sides of kiln or fur-
DANGEROUS VOLTAGE! Do not touch heat-
ing elements with anything. Disconnect before
When vacuuming the kiln, keep the nozzle away
from the controller. Vacuum cleaners create a
static charge that can damage the controller.