Trouble Shooter
Problem: Controller display is
blank. No heat in kiln.
Is the kiln connected to the power?
Has the circuit breaker tripped or fuse blown?
Is power reaching the wall receptacle?
Test with a voltmeter or a test light if you are not sure.
Has the kiln switch box
½ amp fuse blown?
The kiln’s ½ amp fuse is
located in the kiln switch
box. Remove by pressing
the fuse holder and turning
counter-clockwise half a
turn. Check the fuse by
placing the probes of an
ohmmeter on the ends
of the fuse. If the ohm
meter reads less than
an ohm (digital meter)
or reads 0 ohms (ana-
log meter), the fuse is
okay. If the reading is
OPEN (digital meter)
or infinity/no needle
movement (analogme-
ter), the fuse is bad.
Replacement fuse:
AGC 1/2 A 250V AC
Is the controller receiving power? Test the power IN
PUT connections on the back of the controller with a
Controller Power Input Test
Unplug the kiln. Remove the 4 screws holding the con
troller faceplate to the switch box. Lift faceplate out of box
and letthe boardhang onthe boxwith theback ofthe board
facing you. Plug the kiln back in. Touch voltmeter probes
Touch the voltmeter probes tothe white and orange wires to test voltage
going to the controller. The voltmeter must be in AC mode.
Selecting °F or
°C Display
The controller can display temperature in either °F or
°C. If your controller shows a small display dot in the lower
right cornerof the display,the temperatureshown is°C. No
dot means °F. To change temperature display:
UNPLUG kiln or disconnect power.
Remove the four screws that hold the controller to
the frontof thekiln. Carefullyremove thecontroller
from the kiln. Leave the wires attached to the con
Look atthe backof thecontroller. Youwill find aset
of connector pins near the bottom labeled “C/F.”
When ajumper isplacedon theC/F pins,the display
reads°F. Whenthejumper isremoved, displayreads
°C. Remove or insert the jumper as desired. (You
can purchase the jumper from a computer supply
store if necessary.)
Install the controllerbeing careful not to jar compo
nents on the back of the controller against the kiln
The C/F jumper terminal is on the back of the controller, circled above.