Account #1
Cmd Loc 005 006 007 008 009 010
Default 000000
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
Receiver Type (Receiver #2)
Cmd Loc 003
Default 2
Range 1 - 15
Message Format (Receiver #2)
Cmd Loc 004
Default 1
Range 1 - 4
1 3/1 Dual Round
2 4/1 Dual Round
3 4/2 Dual Round
4 3/1 Extended Dual Round
This is a 6-digit account number which is used by Receiver 1.
In a partitioned system, this is the account number for area #1.
This is a 6-digit account number which is used by Receiver 2.
In a partitioned system, this is the account number for area #2.
Account #2
Cmd Loc 011 012 013 014 015 016
Default 000000
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
Specifies the method of sending the re-
ported message (account number and
reporting code) to the central station.
1 ADEMCO 4+2 Express (DTMF)
2 ADEMCO Contact ID (DTMF)
3 ADEMCO High Speed (DTMF)
4 SIA Level 1 (FSK)
5 SIA (Date and Time)
6 SIA (Area)
7 SIA (Date & Time + Area)
9 Radionics / Fast
10 Radionics / Slow
11 Silent Knight / ADEMCO Fast
12 Silent Knight / ADEMCO Slow
13 Radionics High Speed
14 Numeric DTMF Pager (4+2)
15 Personal Dialing
NOTE: ADEMCO High Speed (option #3) may not be used with
systems having more than 8 zones.
NOTE: The 4/1 Message Format may not be
used with Radionics High Speed.
Message Format (Receiver #1)
Cmd Loc 002
Default 1
Range 1 - 4
1 3/1 Dual Round
2 4/1 Dual Round
3 4/2 Dual Round
4 3/1 Extended Dual Round
Specifies the method of sending the
reported message (Account Num-
ber and Reporting Code) to the
Central Station.
NOTE: The 4/1 Message Format may not be
used with Radionics High Speed.
Block 4 - Digital Communicator Programming
This Block is divided into 164 Command Locations (CL 001 - 164). The programming locations in this Block reflect the
Receiver Type and Message Format for Receivers 1 & 2, Account Numbers, Phone Numbers (Receiver 1, 2, and RPS), Dialing
Parameters and Delays, and Call Routing (including SpreadNet).
Receiver Type (Receiver #1)
Cmd Loc 001
Default 2
Range 1 - 15
1 ADEMCO 4+2 Express (DTMF)
2 ADEMCO Contact ID (DTMF)
3 ADEMCO High Speed (DTMF)
4 SIA Level 1 (FSK)
5 SIA (Date and Time)
6 SIA (Area)
7 SIA (Date & Time + Area)
9 Radionics / Fast
10 Radionics / Slow
11 Silent Knight / ADEMCO Fast
12 Silent Knight / ADEMCO Slow
13 Radionics High Speed
14 Numeric DTMF Pager (4+2)
15 Personal Dialing
NOTE: ADEMCO High Speed (option #3) may not be used
with systems having more than 8 zones.
Home Arm Reports Enable
Cmd Loc 054
Default 1
Range 1 - 2
This option, when enabled, allows opening/closing and by-
pass reports to be sent to the central station, if programmed
in Block 1, CL 021 - 080 (User Code Privilege) and Block 5,
CL 069 - 072 (Zone Bypass Reports); CL 095 - 098 (Open-
ing Reports); and/or CL 099 - 102 (Closing Reports).