These two-digit codes are sent when the system detects a primary or
secondary phone line cut, or their respective restorals. When using single-
digit reporting formats, only the second digit is sent.
Report Code, Primary Phone Line Cut
Cmd Loc 127 128
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
Block 5 - Reporting Digits Programming (cont.)
These two-digit report codes will be sent to indicate a low battery condition
or restoral report. When using single-digit reporting formats, only the sec-
ond digit will be sent.
Report Code, Low Battery
Cmd Loc 117 118
Default 0 1
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
Report Code, Low Battery Restoral
Cmd Loc 119 120
Default 0 1
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
Report Code, Fail to Report (Comm Fail) Restoral
Cmd Loc 125 126
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
Report Code, Test
Cmd Loc 121 122
Default 0 1
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
Report Code, Failure to Report (Comm Fail)
Cmd Loc 123 124
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
This two-digit report code will be sent to indicate a system test. When using
single-digit reporting formats, only the second digit is sent.
These two-digit report codes will be sent to indicate a comm fail (failure to
report) condition. The reports are also sent to indicate a comm fail restoral.
Only the second digit is sent when using single-digit reporting formats.
The exit fail report code is a single-digit code which is sent if the exit (delay)
zone remains faulted at the end of the exit delay. The alarm is generated in
association with the Chirp-Alert Warning (Block 3, CL 009). For two-digit
reporting formats, the relative zone number (1 - 8) is sent as the second
digit. Program the specific Cmd Loc with 0 to disable reporting. Disabling
a Cmd Loc disables reporting for all zones associated with that location.
Report Code, Exit Fail Alarm (Zones 1 - 32)
Zones: 1 - 8 9 - 16 17 - 24 25 - 32
Cmd Loc 107 108 109 110
Default 0 0 0 0
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
This two-digit code is sent to the central station if the Kidwatch code (user
#11) is not entered during the Kidwatch period (Block 6, CL 006 - 009).
Disable the reporting by programming 00 into these Cmd Loc.
Report Code, Kidwatch Check-in Failure
Cmd Loc 111 112
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
These two-digit codes are used to report AC power failures and restorals.
Only the second digit is sent when using single-digit reporting formats.
Report Code, AC Power Loss
Cmd Loc 113 114
Default 0 1
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
Report Code, AC Power Restoral
Cmd Loc 115 116
Default 0 1
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
The closing report code is a single-digit code. For two-digit reporting
formats, the relative user number (1 - 15) is sent as the second digit.
Program the specific Cmd Loc with 0 to disable reporting. Disabling a
Cmd Loc disables reporting for all users associated with that location.
Report Code, Closing (Users 1 - 60)
User #: 1 - 15 16 - 30 31 - 45 46 - 60
Cmd Loc 099 100 101 102
Default 1 1 1 1
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
The cancel report code is a single-digit code. For two-digit reporting for-
mats, the relative user number (1 - 15) is sent as the second digit. Program
the specific Cmd Loc with 0 to disable reporting. Disabling a Cmd Loc
disables reporting for all users associated with that location.
Report Code, Cancel (Users 1 - 60)
User #: 1 - 15 16 - 30 31 - 45 46 - 60
Cmd Loc 103 104 105 106
Default 0 0 0 0
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
The opening report code is a single-digit code. For two-digit reporting
formats, the relative user number (1 - 15) is sent as the second digit.
Program the specific Cmd Loc with 0 to disable reporting. Disabling a
Cmd Loc disables reporting for all users associated with that location.
Report Code, Opening (Users 1 - 60)
User #: 1 - 15 16 - 30 31 - 45 46 - 60
Cmd Loc 095 096 097 098
Default 1 1 1 1
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15