Timer Units (REMM #2, Relay #1)
Cmd Loc 025
Default 2
Range 1 - 5
Timer Count (REMM #2, Relay #1)
Cmd Loc 026
Default 30
Range 1 - 255
For REMM #2, Relay #1, CL 025 stores the units, while
CL 026 stores the starting count. The timer will count
backwards and when it reaches 0, the respective relay
will open.
Timer Units (REMM #8, Relay #2)
Cmd Loc 027
Default 2
Range 1 - 5
Timer Count (REMM #2, Relay #2)
Cmd Loc 028
Default 30
Range 1 - 255
For REMM #2, Relay #2, CL 027 stores the units, while
CL 028 stores the starting count. The timer will count
backwards and when it reaches 0, the respective relay
will open.
Timer Units (REMM #2, Relay #3)
Cmd Loc 029
Default 2
Range 1 - 5
Timer Count (REMM #2, Relay #3)
Cmd Loc 030
Default 30
Range 1 - 255
For REMM #2, Relay #3, CL 029 stores the units, while
CL 030 stores the starting count. The timer will count
backwards and when it reaches 0, the respective relay
will open.
Timer Units (REMM #2, Relay #4)
Cmd Loc 031
Default 2
Range 1 - 5
Timer Count (REMM #2, Relay #4)
Cmd Loc 032
Default 30
Range 1 - 255
For REMM #2, Relay #4, CL 031 stores the units, while
CL 032 stores the starting count. The timer will count
backwards and when it reaches 0, the respective relay
will open.
Timer Units (REMM #2, Relay #5)
Cmd Loc 033
Default 2
Range 1 - 5
Timer Count (REMM #2, Relay #5)
Cmd Loc 034
Default 30
Range 1 - 255
For REMM #2, Relay #5, CL 033 stores the units, while
CL 034 stores the starting count. The timer will count
backwards and when it reaches 0, the respective relay
will open.
Block 7 - Auxiliary Devices Programming (cont.)
0 No Relay Activation
1 On Board Relay
2 REMM #1, Relay #1
3 REMM #1, Relay #2
4 REMM #1, Relay #3
5 REMM #1, Relay #4
6 REMM #1, Relay #5
7 REMM #2, Relay #1
8 REMM #2, Relay #2
9 REMM #2, Relay #3
10 REMM #2, Relay #4
11 REMM #2, Relay #5
These Options determine which relay(s) are
activated following an alarm on a specific
zone. Each relay may be specified by one or
more zones.
The specific relay (Block 7, CL 001 - 011)
must be programmed for zone activation (Op-
tion #74).
Relay Activation By Zone (Zones 1 - 32)
Cmd Loc 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042
Zone # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cmd Loc 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
Zone # 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Cmd Loc 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058
Zone # 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Cmd Loc 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066
Zone # 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Default 0 (All CL)
Range 0 - 11 (All CL)
NOTE: The timer function is ignored if the Relay option (Block 7, CL 001 -
011) is programmed for SpreadNet Arming/Disarming (option #5), Listen-In
Trigger (option #9), Follows Keypad Sounder (option #10), Relay Status #1
(option #67), Relay Status #2 (option #68), 3-second Toggle for Audible
Shutoff (option #72), or 3-second Toggle for Local Bell Test (option #73).
1 Latched
2 Seconds
3 Minutes
4 Hours
5 Days