8-1Functions for Configuration
Users Manual SX
By using AdminManager, you can specify or modify PRICOM detail a configuration.
AdminManager also has convenient additional features such as, remote rebooting, self-
diagnostic printing, printer status monitoring and NetWare queuing wizard.
-Remote rebooting and remote self-diagnostic printing may not be available on some
PRICOM models.
-To use AdminManager, TCP/IP or IPX/SPX protocol must have been installed on your PC.
Contents displayed on the AdminManager may vary depending on the PRICOM model used.
-When you use TCP/IP protocol in Windows XP, click Local Area Connection Properties, then
Advanced, then remove the check from Protect my computer and network by limiting or
preventing access to this computer from the Internet.
8. Functions for Configuration
This chapter explains how to configure detailed options by using AdminManager, Web browser
Configuration by Using AdminManager