4-39Using PRICOM in Windows Environment
Users Manual SX
<Net BEUI>
1. Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel, then Network and Internet Connection.
2. Open Properties of Local area connection.
3. Verify NetBEUI protocol is added.
-If NetBEUI is not in the component list, click Install, then Protocol, then NetBEUI protocol.
-If Microsoft Network Client is not in component list, click Install, then Client, then Microsoft
Network Client.
Make sure that NetBEUI protocol and Microsoft network shared service are added to the
Network of the Windows 2000.
4. Verify that Microsoft Network Client is added.
Make sure that Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Microsoft Network Sharing Service are
added to Network of Windows NT 4.0 and verify that NetBIOS is configured to Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP).
1. Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel, then Network and Dial-up Connection.
2. Right-click Local Area Connection, then click properties.
3. Verify Microsoft Network Sharing Services is added.
-If Microsoft Network Sharing Services is not in the list, click Install, then Client, then Microsoft
Network Sharing Services.
4. Verify Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is added.
-If Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is not in Components checked are used by this connection,
click Install, then Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to add Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
For Windows 2000 User