Users Manual SX
PRICOM is not found even after searching in the configuration utility (Quick
Setup, AdminManager) or PRICOM is not recognized on the network
Check the followings and retry the configuration.
-Verify that the printer for an internal PRICOM is turned on or the PRICOM power is
turned on.
-Print the self-diagnostic and configuration report. If NG is printed, refer to "NG is printed
in the diagnostic report." on page 3 of this chapter.
-Verify the parameters on the configuration report are configured correctly.
-Verify that the LINK LED of PRICOM and the Ethernet HUB are blinking. If not, verify
the proper network cable connection.
-Verify that the Ethernet HUB is working properly.
-For printing self-diagnostic/configuration report, refer to chapter 2.
When operating in Windows environment, run AdminManager and click Option, then
search using TCP/IP protocol. When operating in NetWare environment, click Search
using IPX/SPX protocol, and search for the PRICOM again.
When you use TCP/IP protocol in Windows XP environment, click Local Area
Connection Properties, then Advanced, then remove the check from Protect my
computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from
the Internet.