Wireless > Status
WLAN Statistics
Station Status
The Station Status table displays information about wireless connections associated with the TZ 50
Wireless/TZ 150 Wireless/TZ 170 Wireless.
• Station - the name of the connection used by the MAC address
• MAC Address - the wireless network card MAC address
• Authenticated - status of 802.11b authentication
802.11b Frame Statistics Rx/TX
Unicast Frames
Number of frames received and transmitted
Multicast Frames
Total number of frames received and transmitted as broadcast or
multicast. Typically a lower number than Unicast frames.
Fragments Total number of fragmented frames received and sent. This is a general
indication of activity at this wireless device.
Total Packets Total number of packets received and transmitted
Total Bytes
Total number of bytes received and transmitted
Errors Total number of receive and transmit errors
Single Retry Frames Number of messages retransmitted a single time being acknowledged
by the receiving device. Retransmission is normal for 802.11b to quickly
recover from lost messages.
Multiple Retry Frames
Number of messages retransmitted multiple times before
acknowledgement by the receiving device. A relatively high value can
indicate interference or a heavy wireless data load.
Retry Limit Exceeded Number of messages undelivered after the maximum number of
transmissions. Along with Discards, it can indicate a wireless network
under heavy interference or excessive load of wireless data traffic.
Discards Number of messages untransmitted due to congestion. Normally, the
messages are temporarily stored in an internal buffer until transmitted.
When the buffer is full, frames are discarded until the buffer is cleared.
When the number is high, it may indicate a wireless network with a
heavy load of traffic.
Discards: Bad WEP Key Number of times a received message was discarded because it could
not be decrypted. This could indicate mismatched keys or one device
does not support encryption or does not have encryption enabled.
FCS Errors Number of received frames or frame parts containing an erroneous
checksum requiring deletion. Messages are recovered using ACK and
retransmitted by the sending device.
Frames Received
Total number of data frames received.
Frames Aborted Total number of frames dropped.
Frames Aborted Phy
Duplicate Frames
Number of duplicate frames received.