Users > Settings
Global User Settings
The settings listed below apply to all users when authenticated through the SonicWALL security
• Inactivity timeout (minutes) - users can be logged out of the SonicWALL security appliance after
a preconfigured inactivity time. Enter the number of minutes in this field.
• Limit login session time to (minutes) - you can limit the time a user is logged into the Son-
icWALL security appliance by selecting the check box and typing the amount of time, in minutes, in
the Limit login session time to (minutes) field. The default value is 30 minutes.
• Show user login status window with logout button - displays a logout button in the user login
status window.
• User’s login status window refreshes every (minutes) - refreshes the user login status window
based on the specified minutes.
• Allow only authenticated users to access the Internet - this feature allows Internet access to
only users configured on the SonicWALL security appliance. When you check this setting, the
Exclusions button becomes available. Clicking the Exclusions button displays the Internet
Authentication Exclusions window.
Internet Authentication Exclusions
When you select Allow only authenticated users to access the Internet, and click the Exclusions
button, the Internet Authentication Exclusions window is displayed for configuring exclusions from
Internet User Authentication.
• Always allow these services - the default is None. You can add or remove services available to
users. To add a service, select the service from the menu, and click Add. To remove a service,
select the service in the in the services list, and click Remove.
• Always allow these address ranges - this feature allows the specified IP address or IP address
range to bypass user authentication. To add an IP address, enter the single IP address in the first