
Chapter 1: Introduction
What’s New in SonicOS Standard 3.0
Real-time Gateway Anti Virus (GAV) - Provides per packet virus scanning using a Deep Packet
Inspection version 2.0 engine. The Real-time GAV feature provides over 4,500 signatures on the Son-
icWALL TZ series security appliances and over 24,000 signatures on the SonicWALL PRO series
governing gateway appliances. The Real-time GAV feature supports zip and gzip data compression.
The Real-time GAV feature supports scanning the following message delivery protocols:
HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packet streams
IPS 2.0 - Includes an updated Data Packet Inspection (DPI) engine that powers Intrusion Prevention
Services (IPS) and GAV. The IPS version 2.0 engine includes the following feature enhancements:
IP Fragmentation - Provides the ability to either disallow IP fragments or to reassemble IP
fragments for full application layer inspection.
Checksum Validation - Provides the ability to detect and prevent invalid IP, ICMP, TCP, and
UDP checksums.
Global IP Exclusion List - Provides the ability to configure a range of IP addresses to exclude
specified network traffic from IPS evaluation.
Log Redundancy - Provides the ability to configure per-category and per-signature log
redundancy filter settings.
Dynamic Categorization - Groups and displays signatures automatically in expandable category
views. Category maintenance is performed through automated signature updates.
Enhanced VoIP Support - Adds comprehensive support for third-party VoIP equipment, including
products from Cisco, Mitel, Pingtel, Grandstream, Polycom, D-Link, Pulver, Apple iChat, and soft-
phones from Yahoo, Microsoft, Ubiquity, and OpenPhone. Enhanced VoIP support adds the ability to
handle SIP, H.323v1, H.323v2, H.323v3, and H.323v4. The internal DHCP Server capability in Soni-
cOS Standard 2.6 allows any SIP endpoint to receive addressing information into the DHCP scope
information, this enables any SIP endpoint to receive SIP Proxy addresses when they issue a DHCP
request on the network.