Duration box
Specify the recording duration regardless of the item selected for TC Type
If Time Code is selected, the value in Duration box is automatically
updated when you change the recording start or stop time. Also, when you
change the value in Duration box, recording stop time indication is
automatically updated.
Record buttons
Auto button
Click to start automatic recording.
When Time Code is selected for TC Type box, recording automatically
starts regardless of the value in Start Time box and automatically stops
according to the value in Stop Time box. When Feet/Frame is selected,
recording starts and continues for the length of the film specified in
Duration box, and automatically stops.
Start Camera button
Click to start recording manually.
Recording continues until you click the Stop Camera button.
Stop Camera button
Click to stop recording.
When you click this button, both automatic recording and manual
recording stop.
During recording, the information in the Current Position column is
updated in real time.
Also, status message appears in Status Line (located at the bottom of the
screen) to show the progress of recording.
Load Pattern button
Click to load the additional pattern from the floppy disc.
Be sure to insert the floppy disc in the drive A.
Recall Parameters button
Click to recall the parameters saved by clicking the Save Parameters
button below.
Save Parameters button
Click to save the recording parameters in the specified file in the hard disc.
All parameters except Footer parameters in Density Patch column are
saved to the hard disc.
Note that the previously saved parameters are overwritten by the new