Easy maintenance
This system uses 64 LEDs for each track as a light source. These LEDs
are grouped into four 16-LED blocks, each of which are separately
replaceable. The blocks are connected to the optical fiber cable via a
newly developed optical connector.
Highly reliable and scratch-free film travel
The sprockets in the DFR-C3000 and the Westrex optical sound recording
camera are connected and synchronized by a belt, and the drum and the
inlet and outlet guides are built to provide the inertia required for stable
film travel. The film guides are provided in the form of rollers that were
specially designed to safeguard the digital and analog audio tracks.
Easy operation
The system software, which runs on an IBM PC/AT
or IBM-compatible
host computer, allows you to set all necessary parameters, and to control
the digital audio recording operations.
Automatic generation of film density test patterns
The DFR-C3000 can generate film density test patterns, the sequence and
duration of which can be set through the system software.
Self-diagnostic functions
This system has various self-diagnostic functions, such as the detection of
low DC voltage, signal checks, fan fault detection, and reel motor
overheating detection. Errors that are detected are displayed on the screen
of the host computer.
Mountable on 19-inch rack
The DFR-E3000 can be mounted on a standard 19-inch rack.
1) IBM PC/AT is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.