Software Operation
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to define additional patterns and duration. (You
can define up to five patterns and duration.)
LED Power Setting column
Initial LED Power box
Type in the initial level of the LED power for the test pattern.
No. of Steps box
Type in the number of times for the test patterns to be recorded.
Increment box
Type in the increment of LED power for each test pattern.
Writing LED Power boxes
Sequence of density test pattern is displayed.
Test Process Reference column
LED Power boxes
Type in the level of the LED power for recording.
Film Length box
Type in the film length to be recorded in integral number (1 to 50).
Start Test button
Click to start recording for the density test or white test film.
The test continues for feet specified in Film Length box and stops
Cancel Test button
Click to cancel the recording.
Recall Parameters button
Click to recall the parameters saved by clicking the Save Parameters
button below.
Save Parameters button
Click to save the parameters in the specified file in the hard disc.
Parameters save to the hard disc are as follows:
Test Pattern Setting and LED Power Setting in Density Test column, and
Film Length in Test Process Reference column.
Note that the previously saved parameters are overwritten by the new
LED Power settings in the Test Process Reference column is linked to the
LED Power setting in Record/Setup menu, therefore, this setting is not
saved to the hard disc.