SP-010838-02 VAIO Media Integrated Server
SP-010862-03 VAIO Media Redistribution
SP-011275-08 WinDVD BD for VAIO (This doesn’t seem to be the regular version of WinDVD, but special Blu-Ray
version, presumably for the VGX-XL202 Blu-Ray model)
SP-011275-10 WinDVD DB for VAIO (Seems to be exactly the same as SP-011275-08 except the data2.cab file is about
5mb smaller)
SP-011460-00 VAIO Information FLOW
SP-011463-00 VAIO Information FLOW Sample Music
SP-011650-01 Skype
SP-011777-00 DVgate Plus
SP-011844-03 Ulead BD DiscRecorder (Presumably for the VGX-XL202 Blu-Ray model since the VGX-XL201 doesn’t have
a Blu-Ray drive)
SP-011969-00 SonicStage
SP-012255-00 SonicStage Add-on
SP-012283-00 OpenMG AAC Add-On Module
SP-012765-00 Internet Explorer Remote Control Extension
SP-008670-01 Microsoft Works 8
SP-009472-02 Shortcut to MS Office 2003 Standard (just the Desktop shortcut and icon)
SP-009576-06 Click to DVD
SP-009948-00 Adobe Reader 7.0 (Again?)
SP-010848-00 Microsoft Office 2003 Standard Trial Assistant (Whatever the hell that is)
SP-011614-00 Microsoft Office 2003 Standard Trial
SP-012644-00 Adobe Flash Player 8 ActiveX Control
SP-007819-02 Click to DVD Menu Data
SP-010851-00 Norton Ghost 10 Try-and-Buy (6 day trial)
WS-000002-01 Window Cleaning (closes Explorer) (VB Script)
WS-000003-02 Resets Start Menu order (VB Script)
WS-000005-07 BL Number Marking (I have no idea what this is) (VB Script)
WS-000091-00 Environment Delete for APR (VB Script)