That’s it. By this point hopefully you have a clean operating system install on your VGX-XL201 VAIO Media Center, and only the software
you want installed. I hope you found this guide useful.
Respectfully I ask that you don’t contact me for support relating to your Sony VAIO PC or relating to this guide. I am just a PC owner like
you, and I decided to take the time to write this guide as a courtesy to other consumers who have purchased the same product in the
hope that others may not have to go through the same 30+ hours of trial and error that I had to go through to get a clean operating
system installation on my PC. It’s taken me 12 hours just to write this guide and that’s about as much time as I want to give for the cause.
I am not an expert in this field or in Sony products in general, and I do not want to become one.
For support I recommend posting on the Club VAIO forums which helped me to get to the point where I could write this guide. This guide
will be posted on a thread in the Club VAIO forums and if there are parts of the guide which don’t work for you or you feel could be
improved on, please post on that thread in the forums. I may or may not update the guide, but even if I don’t, other users may benefit
from the wisdom of your experience.