4- & 8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
NOTE: The recording resolution will be set to Very High when selecting High Video Quality
Priority Profile, High when selecting Standard Recording Profile, and Standard when
selecting Longer Recording Time Priority Profile.
NOTE: The recording quality and recording speed of each camera channel will be set as
shown below according to the Record Method and Record Video Quality you set.
Motion Event Record Very High / 30 ips High / 5 ips Standard / 2.5 ips
Continuous &
Motion Event Record
Very High / 30 ips (Time)
Very High / 30 ips
High / 5 ips (Time)
Very High / 30 ips
Standard / 2.5 ips (Time)
High / 5 ips (Event)
Continuous Record Very High / 30 ips High / 5 ips Standard / 2.5 ips
* Record Video Quality: HVQPP (High Video Quality Priority Profile), SRP (Standard Recording Profile), LRTPP (Longer
Recording Time Priority Profile)
Select the Finish button to finish the EZ Record
and select the Go to Network Setup button to
start the EZ Network.
Figure 18 ─ EZ Network screen.
If you selected the Go to EZ Network, select
the Next button to start the EZ Network.
Internet Connection
Select whether or not your DVR is connected
to the Internet.