4- & 8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
NOTE: Day, Range and Channels that are not defined will use the setting values of the
previous schedule item.
NOTE: When more than two schedule items are registered in the same day and time range,
the DVR will follow the latest registered schedule item.
NOTE: When multiple events are detected at the same time from a specific channel, the
DVR will record event video with the high setting values if the ips, Quality and Dwell values
of events are different from each other. However, the ips will be reset to the supported
maximum value when the ips, Quality and Dwell are all set to the highest value. (Advanced
Mode Only)
Highlight the box under the heading and press the button to delete the recording settings.
You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the settings.
Highlight Default… and press the button. The Default screen appears.
Highlighting boxes under Quality and pressing the button allows you to set the recorded image
quality for Time and Event recording. You can select from: Very High, High, Standard and
Basic. Highlighting boxes under Dwell and pressing the
button allows you to set the length
of time you would like to record for the associated event. (Advanced Mode Only)
Highlight Pre-Event in the Record menu and press the button, and the Pre-Event setup screen
appears. If you do not have Event set up in the Record Schedule, a message will display alerting
you to this fact.
You can set the amount of time to record prior to the event by adjusting the Dwell. You can set
the Dwell from 5 seconds to 30 minutes. The longer the dwell set, the fewer maximum ips can
be set.
Highlighting boxes under ips and pressing the button
allows you to set the images per second for Time and Event
recording. You can select from 0.10 to 30.0 images per
Figure 25 ─ Pre-Event setup screen.
When the DVR is in the Event Record mode it
is possible to have it record images before the
event occurs. The Pre-Event screen allows you
to define how to handle pre-event recording.
You can turn individual cameras On or Off for
pre-event recording. The image speed can be
set from 0.10 to 30.00 ips (25.00 ips PAL), and
image quality can be selectable from Very High,
High, Standard and Basic.