4- & 8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
Highlight the box beside Remote Watch – Quality and press the button. You can select the
Quality from: Very High, High, Standard and Basic. Press the
button to set the Quality.
NOTE: The higher Quality settings require higher Transfer Speed settings. The transfer
speed you set is the maximum speed. Depending on the network environment, this speed
may not be achieved.
The DVR supports two-way audio communication between a local system and a PC running Speco
Central. Highlighting the box beside Remote Audio Channel and pressing the
button allows
you to select the audio channel that sends audio to the remote site. Selecting Select From Speco
Central will send audio of the channel selected from Speco Central.
NOTE: Depending on network conditions, audio might be interrupted or out of
synchronization during transmission.
NOTE: Recorded audio might NOT be played properly on a PC running Speco Central when
the DVR is connected to more than two
Speco Central search programs at the same time.
You can limit the network bandwidth settings so that system does not consume too much network
bandwidth. Highlight the box beside Network Bandwidth Limit and press the Up and Down
arrow buttons to set the desired maximum bandwidth from 10Kbps to 100Mbps.
NOTE: When limiting the network bandwidth, the remote watch image on the PC running
Speco Central or Speco Remote might not be displayed properly.
Highlight Enable SSL for Transferring Data and press the button to toggle between On and
Off. When it is On, the security of data except video and audio transmitted for remote monitoring
or remote recording can be enhanced by using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) authentication.
When using the SSL function, the DVR cannot be connected with a remote program or a network
keyboard which does not support the SSL function.
CAUTION: The remote connection will be disconnected temporarily after changing the
SSL settings.
NOTE: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/).
Highlight the LAN tab, and the LAN setup screen displays.
Figure 45
Network setup screen.
Highlight the first box beside Remote Watch –
Transfer Speed. Press the Up and Down arrow
buttons to set the Transfer Speed from 50Kbps
to 100Mbps.
Highlight the second box beside Remote Watch
– Transfer Speed. You can select the unit of
measure for the transfer speed between: bps and
ips. Press the
button to set the transfer speed.
NOTE: The local recording speed might be
affected by various network bandwidth
(Transfer Speed) conditions.