
a-f, A-F) in the speci ed length. For example: 2F34D20BE2.
5. Status - Select Enabled or Disabled for this entry on the
Status pull-down list.
6. Click the Save button to save this entry.
To add additional entries, repeat steps 1-6.
When 64-bit, or 128-bit, or 152-bit is selected, WEP Key will
be enabled.
To modify or delete an existing entry:
1. Click the Edit or Delete button in the Modify column in the
MAC Address Filtering Table.
2. Enter the value as desired in the Add or Modify Wireless MAC
Address Filtering entry page, and click the Save button.
You can click the Enable All button to make all the entries
effective, click the Disable All button to make all the entries
ineffective, click the Delete All button to delete all the entries.
Click the Next button to go to the next page and click the
Previous button to return to the previous page.
For example: If you desire that the wireless station A with MAC
address 00-0A-EB-00- 07-BE be able to access the router, the
wireless station B with MAC address 00-0A-EB- 00-07-5F not
be able to access the router, and the wireless station C with
MAC address 00-0A-EB-00-07-8A be able to access the router
when its WEP key is 2F34D20BE2E 54B326C5476586A, while
all other wireless stations cannot access the router, you should
con gure the Wireless MAC Address Filtering list following these
1. Click the Enable button to enable this function.
2. Select the radio button: Deny the stations not speci ed by any
enabled entries in the list to access for Filtering Rules.
3. Delete all or disable all entries if there exist any entries
4. Click the Add New... button and enter the MAC address
00-0A-EB-00-07-BE in the MAC Address eld, enter wireless
station A in the Description eld, select Allow in the Privilege
pull-down list and select Enabled in the Status pull-down list.
Click the Save and the Return button.
5. Click the Add New... button and enter the MAC address
00-0A-EB-00-07-5F in the MAC Address eld, enter wireless
station B in the Description eld, select Deny in the Privilege
When 64-bit, or 128-bit, or 152-bit is selected, WEP Ke
be enabled