It is strongly recommended that you change the factory default
user name and password of the router. All users who try to
access the router’s web-based utility or Quick Setup will be
prompted for the router’s user name and password.
The new user name and password must not exceed 14
characters in length and must not include any spaces. Enter
the new Password twice to confi rm it. Click the Save button
when fi nished.
Click the Clear All button to clear all.
This page (shown in fi gure 61) allows you to query the Logs of
the router.
The router can keep logs of all traffi c. You can query the logs to
fi nd what happened to the router.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the logs.
Click the Clear Log button to clear all the logs.
The Statistics page (shown in fi gure 62) displays the network
traffi c of each PC on LAN, including total traffi c and traffi c of the
last Packets Statistic interval seconds.
Fig. 61
he new user name and
assword must not exceed 14
haracters in len
th and must not include an
spaces. Enter
he new Password twice to confi rm it. Click the Save button
when fi nished
The router can keep lo
s o
all tra
c. You can quer
the lo
s to
nd what happened to the router
lick the Refresh button to refresh the lo
lick the
lear Lo
button to clear all the lo