Page 38 of 86 SSC Series Central Chilling Stations
Note: If the recirculation pump does not turn on (or that the flow switch is not satisfied) the
compressors will not be allowed to turn on.
6. Check the pump(s) amp draws and pressures. The amp
draws must be within the pump(s) running load and service
factor amps.
7. Operate the chiller, looking for leaks and listening for
unusual noises or vibrations that could indicate improper
8. Check condenser fans for pressure switch settings as shown
in the table below:
Fan Set on Set off
number psi kPa bars psi kPa bars
1 not applicable; Fan 1 is a variable-speed fan
2 240 1,654.8 16.5 190 1,310.1 13.1
3 265 1,827.2 18.3 215 1,482.4 14.8
4 285 1,965.1 19.7 235 1,620.3 16.2
5 305 2,102.9 21.1 255 1,758.2 17.6
5-6 Determining Flow Rate
To determine flow:
1. Close the gauge cock leading to the pump suction side and
open the gauge cock leading to the pump discharge.
2. Start the pump and make note of the discharge pressure in
psi (kPa/bars).
3. Check the pump curve for the appropriate horsepower
pump at the discharge pressure psi.
4. Project this point down to find the flow in gpm (lpm).
5. Process pumps can be left wide open if running amps are
below full load amps.
5-7 Shutdown
1. Ready process and related equipment for shut down.
2. Turn off main power.
3. Close the water make up valve.
4. If the system is to be drained, open the 2” drain valve.