SSC Series Central Chilling Stations Page 63 of 86
Setting Compressor Lead/Lag Times and Activating Compressor
Lead/Lag Operation
While in the Configuration Menu, the compressors can be setup in
a lead/lag configuration using interval hours. By pressing the
“Compressor Rotation Interval” button, a numeric keypad will be
displayed and allow the user to change the timeframe of the
To activate the Lead/Lag operation touch the “Compressor
Rotation” button. The status of the button will change to Enabled
(green background), or Disabled (black background).
Viewing Compressor Run Times
From the Main Menu, use the Up or Down buttons to highlight the
“Compressor Hourmeters” menu. Scroll to select the compressors.
Then press ↵ to display the hourmeters.
Note: this is a complete list of all compressors that may be
included in the system. Any compressor that is not
included in the system will not accumulate time.
The Compressor Run Time screen displays: