SSC Series Central Chilling Stations Page 67 of 86
Any pump that is disabled to the OFF-LINE position will not be
called to operate. Simply press the button of the desired pump to
toggle the state of the pump from the ON-LINE to OFF-LINE
Setting Pump Lead/Lag Times and Activating Pump Lead/Lag
While in the Configuration Menu, the pump lead/lag (rotation) can
be enabled or disabled. Simply press the Process or Recirculation
Pump Interval button on the screen to toggle between Enabled and
The interval between rotating pumps may also be setup in this
screen. Press the CW Pump Rotation Interval button to bring up
the time entry screen. Acceptable range is 50-200 hours.
Viewing Pump Run Times
From the Main Menu, use the Up or Down buttons to highlight
either the “Chilled Water Process Pump Hourmeters” or “Chilled
Water Recirc Pump Hourmeters” menu. Then press ↵ to display
the hourmeters.
Note: this is a complete list of all pumps that may be included in
the system. Any pump that is not included in the system
will not accumulate time.
The Pump Run Time screen displays: