108 Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual • October 2001
Displays the configuration and information for the platform and domain status.
platform shell
showplatform [-v] [-d domainID] [-p part]
showplatform [-p part]
showplatform -h
-h displays help for this command.
-d domainID specifies a domain to show (a, b, c,ord).
-p part domainID displays information on a specific part. Use the options in this list
when you specify a domain with the -d option. These options are the same as the
-p part options to showdomain.
■ acls shows the Access Control List (ACL).
■ bootparams shows boot parameter information.
■ loghosts shows the log hosts for the domain.
■ mac shows MAC addresses for the domain.
■ snmp shows SNMP configuration for the domain.
■ status shows domain status.
-p part displays information on a specific part. Use the options to -p part when you
do not specify a domain with the -d option.
■ acls shows the Access Control List (ACL).
■ frame shows FrameManager information.
■ log shows log hosts for the platform.
■ mac shows the mac addresses, hostID, and the platform a serial number for the
domain and the system controllers.
■ network displays the network settings.
■ partition shows the partition mode.