Chapter 3 System Controller Alphabetical Command Reference 79
Configures domain specific values. Configures the domain. You can configure each
domain differently and independently This command is an interactive command.
You are prompted for parameters to configure.
See Also
password, setdate, showdate, showdomain, and the section “To Configure
Domain-Specific Parameters” in the “System Power On and Setup” chapter of the Sun
Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems Platform Administration Manual.
Loghost The name or the IP address of the loghost for this
domain (SNMP).
Log Facility The log facility is defined by the Solaris operating
environment syslogd in /etc/syslog.conf.
The default is local0.
Domain Description Enter a brief description for this domain. For
example, its function.
Enter the name of the primary domain administrator.
Trap Hosts Enter the name or the IP address of the trap hosts for
this domain. You can define multiple trap hosts.
Public Community
Community string for SNMP readers. The default
value is A-public, B-public, and so on.
Note—For SNMP clients such as the Sun
Management Center 3.0 software to access the
system controller using SNMP, their community
strings should be set to the same value as the value
entered here.
Private Community
Community string for readers and writers. The
default value is A-private, B-private, and so on.
Note—For SNMP clients such as the Sun
Management Center 3.0 software to access the
system controller using SNMP, their community
strings should be set to the same value as the value
entered here.
TABLE 3-10 Parameter Values for the setupdomain Command (Continued)
Parameter Value Description