Chapter 3 System Controller Alphabetical Command Reference 53
Powers on a component or a list of components You must specify component_name(s).
You can power on any component that is not already powered on if there is
sufficient power to support the component when it is powered on. From the domain,
only components that are assigned to the domain can be powered on. To power on a
component, the power grid power must also be on.
Fan trays are automatically powered on when a power supply is powered on. Fan
trays obtain power from the power grid(s).
The System Controller boards obtain their power from a secondary power output on
the power supplies. The System Controller boards power on automatically when the
system is supplied with power. For example, the System Controller boards will
power on automatically on a Sun Fire 6800 system if the power cords are connected,
the system has power, and the circuit breaker(s) are on. The System Controller board
will automatically power on the Sun Fire 4810/4800/3800 systems if the power cords
are connected to the power source, the system has power, and the power supply
switches are turned on (Sun Fire 3800 system only).
The fan trays power on automatically if any power supply is on.
See Also
poweroff, setkeyswitch, showboards
To power on CPU/Memory board, sb2 from the platform shell (CODE EXAMPLE 3-29),
CODE EXAMPLE 3-29 poweron Example Powering On sb2
schostname:SC> poweron sb2