Task Description
HBAFirmware Upgrade Upgrades the rmwareof the server’s integrated HBA (Host Bus
Adapter).Displays the installed version and whatversion is available
for an upgrade.Requires a server reboot to usethe new version.
Server Support and SIA Media Availability
The SIA CD/DVD is available for Sun servers that support the x64 processor architecture
(might come with the server or be available as an X-option). For a complete list of supported
Sun server platforms, refer to the SIA information page at:
An ISO CD-ROM image or a USB ash drive image of SIA is also available for download from
the Sun download page (select “View by Category” and then “x64 Servers & Workstations”):
Updates to the SIA program can be obtained easily during the SIA installation by using the
Remote Update option in the SIA.
Supported Operating Systems
SIA is available for supported Linux installations. A list of supported operating systems is
available on the SIA information page:
Supported OperatingSystems