d. Proceed to Step 6.
If youare installing froma redirected CD/DVD orISO CD-ROMimage using the server’s LOM
(Lights Out Managerremote consolefeature,do the following:
a. In the SIAInstall Media Informationdialog, click CD/DVD.
b. Select thevirtualCD-ROMfrom the CD Location drop-down list.
c. In theserver’s LOM (LightsOut Manager) Remote Console,redirect the operatingsystem
installation media (CD-ROM or CD-ROM Image) using one of the following methods.
If you booted SIA from a CD/DVD drive, eject the SIA CD from this drive and insert the
rst disk of the operating system into the drive. In the service processor LOM Remote
Console, select the CD-ROM option from the appropriate menu (see graphic below for an
integrated LOM example).
If you booted SIA from an ISO CD-ROM image, unmount the SIA ISO CD-ROM image
from the service processor LOM Remote Console by deselecting CD-ROM Image from the
appropriate menu (see graphic below for an integrated LOM example), then select
CD-ROM Image and specify the location of the ISO OS CD-ROM image.
1 From anILOM Remote Console, use theDevices menu to mount and unmountdevices
such as aCD or ISO CD image.
d. In the SIAInstall Media Informationdialog, click Next tocontinue.
The Identifying Distribution dialog appears.
e. Proceed to
Step 6.
SunInstallation Assistant2.2User'sGuide fortheSun FireX4640Server • October2009, Rev.A28